Do you have a blog? Some keep blogs for personal reasons while others use them to generate income. If you use blogs to generate income, you need an effective marketing campaign. There are traditional approaches like article marketing, Pay per Click, and Seo, but try thinking outside the box. One marketing technique increasing in popularity is Twitter. In case you don't know, Twitter is a social networking site. It is a user based program allowing members to create an account. Contact is important for Twitter accounts. Email accounts search for users based on location and email.
Some Twitter members obtain contacts through message boards to build contact lists. When you post messages the post is called a Tweet. The Tweets are sent to followers and they can respond. Updates are limited to 140 characters but they can be sent various ways. Twitter looks like any other social networking site but it has much more potential. It can be an effective marketing campaign if used wisely.
The first step is to create a free account and a list of followers by following updates of members. Be sure to return the favors of those who follow you. Once you start building you list, you can start marketing your blog on Twitter. Don't forget to check online message boards asking for followers. Your first instinct may be to tweet about you blog. You can but it shouldn't be an advertisement. Rather, the first tweet should introduce your self then your blog. Just say a quick hello. Tell them you are getting use to the site and thank them for following you This makes a personal connection between you and the users. You wouldn't want them thinking they are only being used for advertising.
In the next tweet, start working in your blog into the mix. Tell them what you are planning for the next update. Tweet " I am updating blog. You may be interested." and give your link. They will wish to know you interest and click your link. It may entice them to buy a product but first work on increasing page views. Offer contests on your blog. Is your blog about weight loss? Give away a free ebook about weight toss. People love free stuff.
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