Hey there, I want to talk to share with you why a blog is the easiest way to make money online, especailly for those of you just starting out. I'll also give you a small lesson overview on what you will need to do, start to finish, to begin your successful online business with a blog.
Ok, there are four main reasons why a blog is the easiest way to develop a solid income online...
First, A blog is very easy to manage. Anyone, no matter what their website or blog experience, can install, build, and maintain a blog with out a problem and for very little cost. On top of that the blog platform makes it extremely easy for the administration (blog owner) add content, change appearances, and maintain quality. Virtually everything within the admin area of a blog is self-explainable (WordPress has very good forums to answer questions).
Second, blogs are extremely user friendly. They give your visitors many options, which are of course, determined by the blog administrator. Direction can be clearly mapped out for any visitor through archives, searches, and tag clouds. In addition to the organization of a blog, they can be easily setup to give a targeted visitor exactly what they are looking for, whether it be strictly content or a product or service, thus increasing user friendliness through simplicity.
Third, blogs get the most exposure of any other websites on the internet. Its versatility and ample content make it prime for search engine rankings. If you develop a quality blog, you can literally take over the search engines for the keywords you desire. This makes it possible for your blog to attract thousands of visitors each day once an authority is obtained.
Fourth, the income potential is pretty much limitless. You are getting thousands of targeted visitors, now just simply offer them the products and services they long for. This will make your visitors happy, as well as yourself when your bank account begins to grow tremendously. Infact, a blog has the potential to make well over $1,000's per month. Add a list building campaign and then you have 100,000's of potential buyers at your disposal...and you know exactly what they want!
Short Blog Lesson
Step 1: The Start
Choose a domain name that is consistent with your blog niche, this will help with search engine optimization. Make sure you have a hosting account. This is the bridge your website needs to get to the World Wide Web. Most hosting companies you Cpanel as your domain manager. Either way, you want to access Fantastico deluxe (install wizard). There you will find a WordPress installation and then install.
Step 2: Blog Guts
Plug-ins need to be installed, but not just any plug-ins. Specific plug-ins will help your blog results more than others. Specifically Maxblogpress Ping Optimizer, All-in-one Seo Package, wp-stats, are must haves to be able to optimize your blog and track your visitors. Plug-ins for added appearance and hightened user quality are also helpful.
Theme's are very easy to install within a WordPress Blog. The themes I recommend have built in search engine optimization attributes and can be easily monetized (made profitable). A specifc one is Small Business SEO theme.
Permalink structures are very important for search engine optimization. When publishing a post, the default wordpress permalink assigns a number (permalink # example: www.gvoteamlovelife.com/22). This is no good, you want the number (22 in the example), to be the post title and category(permalink-right example: www.gvoteamlovelife.com/MLM/profits). MLM being the post category and profits being the post name. This can be changed in the setting area of your blog.
Step 3: Blog Content
Quality + Readability = Profitability. You want to write reader friendly content and make sure the content flows in a manner that is understandable for every potential reader. If your content is sour and lackluster, readers will leave and never come back, and hey there goes your potential income! Make sure you have fresh content over a long period of time as well. New posts everyday or at least every other day is ideal and no duplicates, its not helpful!
Step 4: Blog Profitability
First is Google Adsense of course. a and placement are critical with Google Adsense. The most profitable means to make money with a blog is through affiliate programs and products. Simply post relavant banners on your blog that will grab your targeted traffic's attention and watch them buy. This is where the real income starts pouring in. If you do place some banners on your blog, write some reviews on those specific products you are advertising for even more targeted traffic.
Well that's a small overview of a blog for money from start to finish, but hey, you've got to start somewhere. I suggest you check out MaxBlogMoney.com. We are giving away free blog lessons, from start to finish, that are way more in depth than the overview I just gave you. Either way, I hope this article has given you some insightful information about blogs, their simplicity, and their potential.
Happy Blogging My Friends...
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