Thursday, December 24, 2009

How I Made Thousands by Getting Paid to Blog

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Many people believe that it is impossible to make money online.  I would like to tell you, this is false.  I started working from home in 2005.  As a mother to 7 kids, it was an excellent way to earn income without worrying about daycare, snow days and sick days.  One of the most profitable ways I found to make money is through paid blogging.  I earned thousands of dollars just from the sponsored posts.  The beauty of paid blogging is that you create more content, which in turn brings more visitors.  More visitors means increased adsense earnings.  If you are an affiliate marketer, that income increases as well.  It is a vicious cycle of online income.
What do you need to get paid to blog?
  • You should have a blog, preferably on your own domain. (I prefer blogger or wordpress.)
  • Most companies require your blog to be at least 3 months old.
  • Your blog must be indexed on Google.
  • You should have a page rank of at least 1.
  • You should have some traffic from either regular readers or search engine traffic.
  • You must have a disclosure policy and be transparent about your paid reviews.
  • You can submit multiple blogs as long as they each have original content. (More Blogs= More Money.)
Where can I find these companies that will pay me to blog?
You can start with and They are probably the most well known of all because they have a steady stream of sponsored posts available for bloggers.  There are many others including some sponsored blogging companies that offer affiliate programs.  You can find tutorials for each paid blogging company on my site.
How do they pay their bloggers?
All of them make payments using paypal.  Some of them pay by biweekly, while others like payperpost pay a month after your post is accepted.
How long do the sponsored posts have to stay on my blog?
They are supposed to stay on your blog forever.  In my experience, it always brought me traffic.  I'm experienced with seo and so the posts always brought me search engine traffic.
Those are the basics.  For more information on companies that pay you to blog and many other ways to make free money online, visit my site.  You'll find tutorials, screenshots of payments and more.

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